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APPLEBARN TALKS: Samuel Bowser, Michael Heyman, Harri Nourse

FREE | Every Friday: May 10 - October 11 | 5 PM - 6 PM

Join us throughout the residency season for our free public series of short and informal artist talks, readings, and presentations. We’ll learn about works-in-progress from our artists and scholars-in-residence with informative and inspiring presentations in all disciplines. This is a wonderful way to kick off your weekend! Bring a friend, all are welcome.

Location: Main Campus. Look for Craigardan Event sign at the end of Main Campus driveway (two “doors” west of the farm store, towards Keene). Google Maps Link

Samuel Bowser Ph.D.

Samuel Bowser earned a Ph.D. in Cell Biology in 1984. Over the subsequent 40 years as a biomedical researcher, he investigated the movement of cellular organelles, cellular membrane surface dynamics, the mechanism of chromosome separation during cell division, the function of non-motile cilia in kidney cells, and the adaptation to low temperatures by free-living cells inhabiting marine habitats in coastal Antarctica and Svalbard, as well as in the deep sea. Sam is now “retired” and has rekindled his childhood fascination with fossils (substituting dinosaur bones with fossilized cells). He is also an art enthusiast and during his career has collaborated with many filmmakers, poets, and painters. Sam uses"sciart" to educate lay audiences about science and hopes to do so until he, too, is a fossil.

Michael Heyman Ph.D.

Michael Heyman is a scholar and writer of literary nonsense, poetry, and children’s literature. He is a Professor of Literature at Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he teaches courses on children’s literature and music, poetry, performance poetry, monsters, and Arthropodiatry. He is the head editor of The Tenth Rasa: An Anthology of Indian Nonsense (Penguin). His poems and stories for children and adults can be found in the journals Poetry International, The Dirigible Balloon, Voicemail Poems, Solstice, and FUSION; and in the books The Puffin Book of Bedtime Stories, The Moustache Maharishi and other unlikely stories, and This Book Makes No Sense: Nonsense Poems and Worse, the latter of which he also edited. His scholarship has appeared in the ChLA Quarterly, Bookbird, The Horn Book Magazine, European Journal of Humour Research, and The Lion and the Unicorn, where he was also a judge for the Lion and the Unicorn Award for Excellence in North American Poetry. He has lectured around the world on nonsense literature and performed for adults and children when the fancy strikes. He is currently co-editing a new edition of Alan Watts’ Nonsense (1967).

Harri Nourse

Harri Nourse is a British ceramicist whose work primarily focuses on texture, whether that's through developing her own glaze that crackles off and 'exposes' the ceramics or creating an ultra-smooth surface with its own unique pattern.  Where texture is concerned the possibilities are endless! She also takes inspiration from the work of her great-grandmother, who was also a ceramicist, and other 20th-century women potters who may not have been recognized at the time for their contributions to the development of modern-day ceramics.  Harri celebrates their work in several projects, most notably in her collections “Romance and Gamble” and the “Ruth Duckworth Series” both of which were exhibited at Ceramic Art London.

August 23

APPLEBARN TALKS: Allison Dobbs, Leanne Rabesa, Brian Mihok

September 2